

Poultry sector has evolved many times in last decade and get status of Industry. India attained top position in broiler as well as layer farming and produce millions of tons of poultry meat and eggs. This is increasing day by day and due to these advancement various standards have been set. Technical knowledge of various issues is critical for farmers to remain viable in this business. We formed this portal and discuss essential topics in easy language so that farmers can improve their ventures and increases the profits.

Click following links to read full articles

Sudden Death Syndrome in Broilers - Metabolic Load on Modern Broilers

मुर्गियों में बीमारी जानने की कला - भाग 1: Art of disease diagnosis in Poultry 

छोटे पैमाने पर ब्रायलर फार्मिंग में अवसर - Opportunities in broiler farming on small scale

पोल्ट्री फार्म में अमोनिया का दुष्प्रभाव और उसका समाधान - Harmful effect of ammonia in poultry farms and its solution

मुर्गी के चूजों में इकोलाई से होने वाली बीमारी - ज़र्दी का सड़ना - Infection of E.coli in day old chicks and its treatment

1200 लेयर बर्ड्स की फार्मिंग का प्रोजेक्ट - 1200 Layer birds farming project

