Dairy Topics

Dairy Knowledge Portal 
Dairy sector is booming and recent figures of government of India shows that out of every 5 Rupees generating in farm sector, Rs.1 came from dairy sector. So dairy is important sector which provides employment to millions of farmers. This section is created to provide essential needful scientific information in easy and understandable form. Here we can see that most of the milk production is taken place north and central India where Hindi language is being spoken. We have therefore try to keep our content in Hindi.

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A1 और A2 दूध 

बकरी के दूध के पौष्टिक गुण - Nutraceutical Value of Goat Milk

दुधारू पशुओ में वज़न पता करने का आसान तरीका - How to measure weight of dairy animal?

Dairy Cows Ration Formulation - Easy Steps for Farmers

नवजात बछड़ो की देखभाल - Care of New Born Calves 

भैंसों में प्रजनन क्षमता 
